Forest Therapy at Edendale

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Forest Therapy is a slow gentle walk through nature, with facilitated experiences along the way. Originating in Japan in the 1980’s, it was established as a preventative health practice that helps us reconnect with nature and its restorative benefits. Research shows that this 2hr guided wellbeing experience can improve mental and physical health, reduce stress levels, regulate pulse and blood pressure and elevate mood.

Join Carolyn Shurey on a 2hr gentle exploration of Wurundjeri land, at Edendale Farm and the nearby Diamond Creek Trail.

Meet: Meet outside the main Edendale Office (Lade or reception centre).

What to expect: During this guided group session, we walk less than 2 kilometres on relatively flat trails. You will be introduced to nature through a series of slow quiet experiences, as we wander and explore with curiosity. These experiences help you tune in with your senses and remember that you are part of the natural world. 

Appropriate for: People over 16 years of age.



  • Sunday, 28 April 2024 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Dam Shelter

Edendale Community Environment Farm, 30 Gastons Rd, Eltham, 3095, View map

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